Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine’s Day Alert: Will you pick the Right Gift this Year?

Every moment, it’s drawing closer…Valentine’s Day. On average, men spend about $168.74 on clothing, jewelry and other gifts for the big holiday, with women spending about half this amount, according to a survey conducted by the National Retail Federation.

How much will you spend this year? And, more importantly, will you select the right gift?

It’s a lot of pressure. Fortunately, there’s an easier way to celebrate Valentine’s Day without spending a lot of money, and hitting closer to your loved one’s heart: handwritten letters and cards.

Store Aisles, Loaded with Cheese…

And, it’s not the kind you eat. We’re talking about cookie cutter Valentine’s Day cards with messages like:

Stick with me Valentine

You light up my Life

Don’t ever change Valentine

You rock Valentine

Yet, 150 million Valentine’s Day cards were sent last year, according to the Greeting Card Association. And this doesn’t include the Valentine’s cards children pass out in school.

Hit Closer to the Heart

Parents keep Christmas, Valentine’s Day and other gifts children make for years, even though they cost very little.

That’s because they come from the heart.

Hand-made valentines were once very popular, starting in the early 1700s. But, in the 1840s mass produced valentines hit the market, and hand-made valentines waned in popularity.

This Year, be Different

Forgo the mass produced cookie cutter Valentine’s Day cards millions of Americans are sending, and stand out using quality paper to make your own personalized message or DIY Valentine's Day card, customized to your loved one.

For DIY card ideas,  click here.

Do you have great ideas for making personal cards or letters?
If so, please share by leaving a comment below. Also, be sure to visit our website and sign up for our newsletters!

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