Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Valentine’s Day: Will you Sign XOXO this Year?

Have you signed a letter, email or text message with an XOXO lately? If so, you aren’t alone. Many of us do it. And, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, XOXO isn’t going out of style anytime soon.

Although, have you thought about where XOXO comes from – and how long we’ve been using it? The answer may surprise you.

Older than Dirt

Well, not literally. But, the symbolism originates in the Middle Ages…which is pretty old.  Letter senders drew a Christian cross on documents to show sincerity, faith and honestly. Then, the sender placed a kiss on the cross, as a display of their sworn oath.

Around 1765, the “X” came into play. The letter “X” which represents the Greek word for Christ was used to show the kiss of sincerity.

Why Not Just Spell it Out?

The answer is simple. The majority of common people couldn’t read. Regardless of reading ability, the X was something everyone could understand. The “O,” however, made its appearance much later than the “X” in North America.

U.S. Jewish immigrants used the “O” at the bottom of documents when signing – in place of the “X.” The “O” is said to represent arms encircling each other, like a big hug. And the “X” symbolizes the kiss.

Over time, people started using the XOXO together, like so many of us do today.

What about you? Will you be signing your letters or envelopes with an XOXO this year? Please share by leaving a comment below. Also, visit our website to sign up for emails which include great discounts and links to the latest blog posts!

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