Monday, July 29, 2013

Will the Practice of Using Paper Disappear?

Technology has evolved quickly. And with this evolution, some people wonder about the practice of using paper – will it disappear? A few decades ago, this question would have seemed crazy. The word “email” wasn’t in our vocabulary, “tweet” was a sound that birds make - and the idea of connecting to family and friends through social media would have seemed impossible. But this has all changed.

With our ability to market and send messages online, you can’t help but wonder about paper: Will it face the same fate as records and VHS tapes?

The Marketing Impact
Marketers have more tools than ever to reach prospects. They have traditional channels, like direct mail, print, billboards and commercials – plus everything the Internet has to offer. But with the new options, will companies stop printing marketing materials and direct mail? Probably not.

In fact, using paper along with other types of media can increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. That’s why, even despite technology advances, businesses still rely on paper products for over 35 percent of their marketing budgets. The majority of this is spent on printing direct mail pieces, which 81% of consumers read daily, according to the Printing Industries of America and the Direct Marketing Association.  

Paper Preferences
Even better for paper, most Americans still favor reading on it. According to the Manufacturers Association, 66% of Americans prefer reading materials on paper. So, even with the evolution of the Internet, social media and other platforms, the practice of paper is here to stay.

Do you think paper will disappear in the future? 
If so, please share by leaving a comment below.

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Business Envelopes are great for direct mailings!

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