Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It’s a Digital World…How Direct Mail Still Stands Out
The digital world is alive and well. And to some, direct mail might seem outdated. After all, with so many digital marketing options available – who really needs direct mail? If this sounds familiar, watch out - because direct mail is still thriving.

In fact, direct mail transcends many demographics, with younger consumers ages 18 to 34 years old preferring to learn about offers through postal mail rather than online sources, according to Forbes Magazine. A survey conducted by Target Marketing magazine also found that direct mail delivers the highest ROI for customer acquisition for B2C marketers.

Does this sound surprising? If so, we’ve lifted the veil on why direct marketing is still successful in the digital age.

Direct mail is targeted. Mass advertising, which includes TV, print, radio and email campaigns, is expensive. However, direct mail provides an opportunity to focus on a niche group of prospects who are most likely to purchase your products or services.

This medium allows personalization. Unlike other forms of media, direct mail allows you to speak directly to consumers – by addressing them by name. When customers feel like you understand how to solve their problems, they’re more likely to respond.

Direct mail provides flexibility. When you send direct mail, you have many options. Send a letter, a postcard – or the many other formats available.

Provides a tangible message. Online marketing isn’t tangible. A simple “click” can delete your message entirely. However, direct mail places the message into your customer’s hands, which encourages interaction.

Measure results easily. Direct mail allows you to easily track the success of your marketing campaign. With the ability to track results, you can make changes to maximize your impact and every marketing dollar spent.

Simple and cost effective. With direct mail, you don’t need a high level of computer skills. A professional mail piece and basic tracking method is all that’s needed.

Do you think direct mail stands out in the digital world? Please share by leaving a comment below.

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