Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Your Next Party: Evite or Personal Invitation?

Time is limited. You’re in a rush. And you’ve got invitations that need to get out. At this point, you might be tempted to use Evites, which deliver electronic invitations at lightning speed. But are there any drawbacks? Maybe.

Let’s get real. Evites have a lot going for them. They’re sent through email, which is fast and easy. But, there’s one potential flaw. During this electronic delivery process, you may be diminishing the experience of your recipient. But, how?

Excitement…it’s Inside the Envelope 

It starts in grade school. Birthday invitations are passed around the room, and you can’t contain your excitement when you actually receive one. Opening the envelope is half the fun. Then, once the invite is opened, you are thrilled to hang it on the refrigerator, checking frequently to ensure you haven’t forgotten the date.

Now, think about this. Would the experience have been the same if your mother received an electronic invitation in her email, and casually told you about the upcoming birthday? Probably not.

Handwriting invitations are more time consuming. But whether you’re an adult or a child, there’s something special about holding, opening and reading an invitation. Something, that can’t be replicated inside an email inbox. 

Also, with paper invitations, you can select a variety of envelopes, colored paper – and even special stamps, which make the invite more special.

What’s your favorite way to invite guests to parties? Please share your suggestions by leaving a comment below. Also, have you signed up for our newsletter yet? Simply click here to visit our site and sign up!

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