Thursday, April 25, 2013

Why Use Recycled Envelopes?
How much paper are you using? When you factor in all paper products, it’s a tough question. As a whole, Americans use about 71 million tons of paper and paperboard annually, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). That’s a lot of paper products.

If you’re looking for options to reduce your carbon footprint, you aren’t alone. Many businesses and individuals are seeking new ways to go green and show customers they’re environmentally responsible.

But does using recycled materials, such as envelopes and paper, really make an impact?

Little Changes, Big Impact
While it’s true that paper doesn’t leak harmful chemicals into landfills, like electronics devices, recycling envelopes still makes a huge impact. For example, paper accounts for more than a third of all recyclables collected in the United States by weight.

Also, nearly 45 million tons of paper and paperboard were recovered in 2010, which is a recycling rate of over 63 percent. The amount of paper recovered from paper recycling averaged 334 pounds for each person living in the United States, according to the American Forest & Paper Association.

So, it’s fair to say that switching to recycled products, such as envelopes, makes a sizable impact.

Plus, think about this. The recycled envelopes you purchase may be recycled again, which would continue to keep waste out of landfills. In fact, recycled paper can be used in over 5,000 different products, according to the EPA.

Recycled Envelopes Look Good
If you haven’t used recycled envelopes before, you might wonder what they look like. And more importantly, if the envelopes are professional and attractive. The answer? Yes!

Recycled envelopes have come a long way. They’re now available in a variety of options, including warm whites, earthy mid-tones and rich darks. You can even get speckletones and super bright florescent colors. The options are endless. Plus, you’ll feel great knowing you’re protecting the environment from unnecessary waste.

Do you use recycled envelopes?
If so, what are your thoughts? Please share by leaving a comment below!

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Your Biggest Envelope Addressing Questions… Answered.
The mailing has been on your “to do” list for a while. You sit down to tackle it. And even though you’ve addressed envelopes dozens of times – you still wonder. Are you doing it right?
Whether you’re addressing 20 envelopes or 200 - a few basic tips help get the job done right.

Labeling and Addressing
Envelopes are your first impression. That’s why every last detail counts. Using a software program might work for a large mailing, while hand addressing creates a more personalized feel for recipients.

No matter which approach you take, a few basic tips stay the same:  

Use a complete return address. If you aren’t using pre-printed company envelopes, include the following in the top-left envelope corner: your name, company name and return address. Another option is writing the return address on the back envelope flap.

The recipient’s information. Make sure the recipient’s information is easily read and complete. The address should be in the center of the envelope and parallel to the longest side. Proper format also recommends that you include the name and title on the first line, rather than using two separate lines.
The address and suite number should also be on a single line. Then, on a new line below, include the city, state and zip code.

Add the final touches. Making mistakes during the addressing process happens, and that’s alright. But avoid crossing out mistakes. Instead, start fresh with a new envelope, which communicates a greater level of care and accuracy to your recipient.

Taking the time to address envelopes correctly helps your mail arrive safely and presents a professional image for you or your company.
It’s a little task that makes a big impact.

Have you made a mistake addressing an envelope lately?
Please share by leaving a comment below!

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why Customer Service Matters
Having a problem with a new product or service is frustrating. But that frustration is multiplied when you call a company – and get bad service. Sound familiar? If so, you aren’t alone.

68 percent of customers stop doing business with a company because of bad service. Yet, only 1 out of every 25 dissatisfied customers will express their frustration.*
If you had a choice, wouldn’t you avoid bad service altogether? Most people would. Working with the right company can help minimize this problem.

Lip Service – or Reality? You Decide…
Companies preach about excellent customer service. And following through on that promise is to their advantage. Acquiring new customers is 6-7 times more expensive than retaining existing ones.*
Yet, there’s often a disconnect between a company’s values and front line staff, who are charged with solving your problems.

This is where a family owned and operated business, like APEC, can provide an advantage. With this type of company, it’s easier for management and employees to get on the same page.

Speak with the President…Directly
Imagine this. You have a problem. And when you call, you can speak directly with the President.  As a result, you get your problem solved quickly and a promise that it won’t happen again. Does it feel like you’ve stepped back in time? Maybe you have.

APEC Envelopes was founded in 1935 by Gary Amsterdam. His wife, Esther Amsterdam, took over the business in 1966. She passed the company on to her grandson, Justin Koplin. And whether you have feedback or are upset about something - you can speak with him directly.

That’s why many customers have been with APEC for 20, 30 and even 40 years – which is amazing customer loyalty.

What do you think about the future of customer service?
Please share by leaving a comment below.

Also, have you signed up for our blog yet? Simply click here and you’ll receive fresh new ideas, conveniently delivered to your inbox!


*According to the International Customer Service Association.
**According to Bain & Co study in the Harvard Business Review

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What Happened to Pen Pals?

For some people, having a pen pal started in school. Your teacher gave you an assignment that required you to write letters to a child across the world. And surprisingly, it was fun.

You learned about where they lived, their culture and what they did for fun. Most of the details, you’ll never forget. And today, many children are still enjoying this tradition.

But it’s not just for kids.

Adults are also participating, allowing them to make interesting connections across the nation and the globe.  But with the internet revolution you might wonder: Are people still using pen pals? And if so – how has it changed?

The Pen Pal Connection

20 years ago, pen pal connections may have started through a magazine advertisement or a local community organization. The internet revolution, however, has changed this.

People are still using pen pals, but the methods have changed.

You can now find specific websites devoted to connecting people with pen pals online, such special Facebook groups.

Specific organizations have also sprung up; with the sole purpose of assisting people with finding pen pals. For example, you can write to U.S. service members , providing support and encouragement during deployment.

The Future of Pen Pals

Today, people interested in having a pen pal have two options: write letters or adopt “keypals.”

Keypals write using email rather than traditional letters. Although this change is convenient and fast – others prefer old fashioned letters.

But why?

Opening a letter provides a special level of satisfaction; you can’t get through an email. Plus, you can send small tangible items from your to culture, such as stamps, stickers and postcards from places you’ve visited.

What do you think? Have you had a pen pal – or do you plan to have one in the future? Please share by leaving a comment below.

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